The NBS Fees schedule is listed below:

Base Fees (does not include add on fees listed in the next section) Standard Fees
Purchase ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Commercial ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Construction ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Reverse Mortgage ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Refinance ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Equity ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Loan Modification ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Purchase Cash ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Seller ($50 Base + $25 Print Fee) $75.00
Single Document ($40 Base + $10 Print Fee) $50.00
E-Sign (Electronic Notarization) $50.00
Trip Only $25.00
Signing Incomplete – At appointment for MORE than 30 Minutes Full Fees
Signing Incomplete – At appointment for LESS than 30 Minutes Partial Fees
Signing cancelled before scheduled appointment time $0.00
Notary error which results in a second signing, or financial loss to Bancserv $0.00
Additional Fees (will be added on to our base fees):
Piggyback Loan – 1 Property with 2 Loans ($25 Base + $25 Print Fee) $50.00
Branch Drop Off $20.00
Branch Pick Up $20.00
Scan Backs $20.00